Add: 88 Nangang Road, Chibi City, Hubei, China
Vietnam Haiphong 2nd stage 2*300MW thermal power project
Name:Vietnam Haiphong 2nd stage 2*300MW thermal power project

Project name: Vietnam Haiphong 2nd stage 2*300MW thermal power project
Contractor: Hubei Electric Power Construction 1st Engineering Company
Contract pattern: contract for labor and materials
Construction content:2*300MW thermal power generating unit thermodynamic system insulation paint; thermal insulation paint in dust removal system; insulation paint in chemical water treatment system; insulation paint in gas desulfurization system; supply of thermal insulation materials, for example, rock wool, aluminum silicate
【Last one: Huaneng Power International Haimen Power Plant 】 【 Next one:Jiangsu Xuzhou Guohua Power Plant 】 |